What is Irlen Syndrome?
Irlen Syndrome, also referred to as Meares-Irlen Syndrome, Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome and Visual Stress, is a visual perception processing disorder. It is not an optical problem. It is a problem with the brain's ability to process visual information.
This problem tends to run in families and cannot be identified with optical assessments, standardised educational assessments or medical tests.
Do you experience one or more of the following?

Reading difficulties
Headache or migraines
Sensitive to light
Poor concentration
One or more of the above are consequences of Irlen Syndrome.
Do you have any of the following?
Eye strain while reading
To reread to understand
Untidy handwriting
Spelling difficulties
Any of the above are commonly associated with Irlen Syndrome.
Signs & Symptoms of Irlen Syndrome
Sensitivity to Light
Reading Difficulties
Distortions with Print
Spelling Problems
Delayed Learning
Concentration Difficulties
Behaviour Problems
Handwriting Problems
Find Copying Difficult
Depth Perception Difficulties
Eye Strain / Visual Stress
Headaches and Migraines
Fatigue after School or Work
Low Self Esteem
Irlen Glasses can help people with...
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Chronic fatigue
Light sensitive issues
Headaches and migraines
Traumatic brain injury
Anxiety and/or depression
Email us now to book a consultation: info@phaustralia.net
Awareness of healthcare issues is critical for long-term success and optimising our long-term performance
If you found this interesting, read more about Irlen Syndrome and other educational content here...
Taken directly from https://aaic.org.au/ with permission (The Australian Association of Irlen Consultants)