Fried food and our heart health: let’s talk about it! What is recommended?
Coffee or caffeine consumption: Is it bad for you? What are its benefits?
10 tips to avoid heart disease and control your cardiovascular health (quick, easy and actionable)
How to prevent tooth decay: The Importance of oral healthcare in preventing tooth decay
Do you nap longer than 1-hour per day? How does the duration of naps affect our risk for diabetes?
Daytime napping increases our risk for hypertension. Is there a difference between day and nighttime
Good nutrition: What are the effects on the body? Why do we need good nutrition?
Sleep deprivation and neurological diseases: Is there a correlation?
Sleep duration impacts health outcomes: But by how much? Do you sleep less than six hours per night?
Sleep: Why is it so important for us?
Blood pressure: what is it and why is it so important?
ALLIED HEALTH: How can they help me? What is the difference between our Allied Health professionals
PODIATRY - Importance of orthotics for long-term patient recovery?