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Stroke: what are the significant risk factors & how can we reduce our risk?

Updated: Dec 6, 2022

Stroke is the third leading cause of death and disability amongst Australians and is considered a critical healthcare problem worldwide [1]. Therefore, we must understand what causes strokes so that we can take the initiative to try and prevent them from happening.

Prevention of stroke is the key to reducing its prevalence [2].

Risk factors for stroke

1. Hypertension

High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of stroke, especially when hypertension is uncontrolled within the individual [2,3].

2. Existing heart disease or cardiac malfunctions

3. Diabetes

4. Smoking

5. Total serum cholesterol

6. Age and gender

What can we do?

  • It has been demonstrated that the early detection, control and management of an individual's hypertension is key to significantly reducing the incidence, prevalence and reoccurrence of stroke [6]. Nocturnal blood pressure (the blood pressure while you sleep) is one way of identifying hypertension early

  • Have a better appreciation for the importance and seriousness of cardiac diseases (and associated risk factors), implementing early treatment and management of those diseases [2]

  • Adopt a healthy diet containing macronutrients and micronutrients [5]

  • Increase our physical activity [5]

  • Control our emotional health [5]

  • Optimising our environmental factors, such as no smoking and limiting alcohol consumption, would significantly reduce the risks of stroke as well as reduce the risk of developing heart disease [5]

  • Take more time when changing posture [7]

These are some quick, easy and actionable steps to reduce your risk for stroke. We understand that knowledge is empowering. We hope that some of this information will empower change and stimulate questions and investigations into your health so that the incidence, prevalence and reoccurrence of stroke are lowered.

"Lets prevent stroke, not treat it"

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[1] Venketasubramanian N. Stroke Epidemiology in Oceania: A Review. Neuroepidemiology. 2021;55(1):1-10.

[2] Wolf PA, Kannel WB, Verter J. Current Status of Risk Factors for Stroke. Neurologic Clinics. 1983;1(1):317-43.

[3] Ma L-Y, Wang X-D, Liu S, Gan J, Hu W, Chen Z, et al. Prevalence and risk factors of stroke in a rural area of northern China: a 10-year comparative study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 2022;34(5):1055-63.

[4] Hosseinzadeh N, Ala A, Rahnemayan S, Sadeghi-Hokmabadi E, Gholami Milani A, Rahimpour Asenjan M, et al. Demographic information and risk factors of stroke patients younger than 65 years old. Frontiers in Emergency Medicine. 2021.

[5] Wang X, Liang M, Zeng F, Wang Y, Yang Y, Nie F, et al. Predictive role of modifiable factors in stroke: an umbrella review. BMJ Open. 2022;12(6):e056680.

[6] Garraway WM, Whisnant JP, Furlan AJ, Phillips LH, 2nd, Kurland LT, O'Fallon WM. The declining incidence of stroke. N Engl J Med. 1979;300(9):449-52.

[7] Benvenuto LJ, Krakoff LR. Morbidity and Mortality of Orthostatic Hypotension: Implications for Management of Cardiovascular Disease. American Journal of Hypertension. 2011;24(2):135-44.


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